This week was spent driving willow stakes in strategic locations, cleaning up, and moving out. The photo above shows willow stakes planted through the coir fabric on the bank next to the 5th bridge. These stakes will sprout and provide both screening and bank stabilization. We weren't able to plant nearly as many of these as we would have liked. But we were able to get them into certain key spots, like adjacent to the bridges and the boulder bank treatments. The photo below shows the construction foreman loading up creosote-treated logs, some of the last of the construction debris.
Before the contractor left, all areas impacted by construction were restored to their pre-construction state. The photo above shows one of Bubalo's crew hand-finishing an area that had been used for heavy equipment access.
The photo below shows the 3rd bridge. The construction is complete, but the restoration is not. Nature Center staff and volunteers have started planting native plants along the stream. Between the construction, the planting, and time, the project team is confident that we are creating a healthy riparian corridor. Birds and fish have already started returning to the stream and the trails will be open to the public starting next week.
Eager to do some walking/hiking when the trails open.